ServiceNOW Basics 2

ServiceNow taxonomy map

This glossary lists terms that might be familiar to enterprise developers and describes how the terms correspond to the ServiceNow platform implementation of the functionality.
ServiceNow taxonomy map
Term that you are already familiar withServiceNow platform implementation
MySQL Table Under the hood, we use MySQL tables, and users refer to them as Tables. The platform's abstraction layer adds tremendous value with ACLs, auditing, scripting, reference fields, hiding SQL queries, SLAs, internationalization, and much more.
SQL Query Condition Builder creates an Encoded Query String. Developers do not write SQL queries directly
SQL Join/Foreign Keys Condition Builder with reference field dot-walking. See the Developer platform introduction course.
REST/SOAP Web Services Tables in the ServiceNow platform support CRUD operations via REST or SOAP. You perform complex queries by passing an Encoded Query String.
ACL (Access Control Lists) The ServiceNow platform provides extensive role-based ACLs on tables and columns.
Server-side Code & Business Logic Scripts are JavaScript based on Mozilla Rhino, and are stored source code in fields of type Script. There are several standard places where scripts can be found, such as Script Includes, Business Rules, Processors, etc.
Client-side Scripting Client Scripts, UI Policies
Triggers Business Rules
Application Applications are the sum total of all table definitions, forms, scripts, navigation links, business rules, and ACLs that define your specific program
Choice Lists Choice Lists
Java Servlet Rarely used, because the entire platform takes the place of a sophisticated servlet in most cases. Processors are the closest analog
Table Schema Dictionary                                                                                                  

ServiceNOW Basics 1- Impersonating User, All About Lists

Impersonating a User:

This is used to test to see what a specific user has access to. 
Click the drop-down arrow in the User Menu, and select Impersonate User to search for a user.

Lists in ServiceNOW: 

Lists in ServiceNOW are tables, where we can directly edit the row by double clicking on them (Inline table editing).
To open the row/record as a form, click on the ( i ) on the start of the row. This opens the record in a form.

Configuring and personalizing lists:

Lists can be configured for all users or personalized by the current user.
  • To configure, right-click in the column header and select Configure > List Layout.
  • To personalize, click the gear icon in the top left.

Searching lists

The Go to search above the list lets you select a field and a string to search for. Wild cards include:
  • Contains: *mySearchString
  • Starts with: mySearchString
  • Ends with: %mySearchString
  • Does not contain: !*mySearchString
  • Equals: =mySearchString
  • Does not equal: !=mySearchString

Searching by column

Right-click in any cell to show matching values or to filter out the value. Date fields also let you Show Before and Show After. Alternatively, you can click the looking glass icon to open the column search fields.

Introduction to Instance

The ServiceNow UI has four main sections:
  • Banner
  • Application navigator
  • Content Frame
  • User Menu 
The banner contains the logo, user menu, and global navigation controls.
The banner has the following components:
  • User Menu: Contains the following:
    • Profile: Current user profile
    • Impersonate User: Lets system administrators view the UI (for example, lists and forms) as the selected user. Impersonating is useful when testing permissions or customizing the UI for a user's role.
    • Elevate Roles: Lets system administrators apply the admin security role for the current session. Some features require this role.
    • Logout: Log out of the instance
  • Toggle Connect Sidebar:Used to toggle Connect Chat real-time messaging on/off
  • Help Provides links to What's New and User Guide, and lets you search product documentation
  • Global search: Search for text in all ServiceNow applications
  • Gear icon: Allows users to define their system settings.
The Application navigator provides access to all ServiceNow modules and applications. There are three tabs in the application navigator to help you easily locate modules and frequently accessed applications

Selecting a module opens the page, list, or form in the content frame.

The content frame displays the page that is selected in the application navigator, for example:
  • Homepage widgets
  • Lists that display records in a table
  • Forms that display a single record
  • Service catalog of items that can be ordered
  • The Live Feed social application with posts and other shared content
  • Knowledge base articles

ServiceNOW Introduction points to remember

Getting started with ServiceNOW:

Make sure the instance that you request is matching with the training documents you read or else we cannot correlate to what the training document is asking us to do on the instance.

Firstly there are four different releases as if now in SNOW:
1. Fuji
2. Geneva
3. Helsinki
4. Istanbul.

From Geneva on wards there is a separate studio console to play around the applications that we create.

The free instance is only available until Geneva.  

Register for free on ServiceNOW, and under the manage section request for a free instance.

It takes few minutes to activate the account and you get one admin user set up with a temporary password.

Login to your instance with the admin user and password, since you are admin now you should be able to see everything that the SNOW console should have.   

Now you can start reading the training documents under the Learn section.