Comparing two dates in ServiceNow

If there is an requirement to check if any date field shouldnt be a past date you can use below code.
Make some tweaks and you can use to compare to date form fields as well.

(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {
    // rightnow stores the current time
    var rightnow = new GlideDateTime();
    // Create a GlideDateTime object for the When needed date
    var whenNeeded = new GlideDateTime(current.u_when_needed);
    // If the When needed date is before rightnow, do not write the record to the database
    // Output an error message to the screen
        gs.addErrorMessage("When needed date cannot be in the past.  Your request has not been saved to the database.");
    // Challenge:  Do not allow same-day requests
    // Get the date portion of rightnow and whenNeeded (no timestamp)
    var today = rightnow.getLocalDate();
    var istoday = whenNeeded.getLocalDate();
    // Compare today and istoday to see if they are the same day
    if(today.compareTo(istoday) == 0){
        gs.addErrorMessage("You cannot submit NeedIt requests for today.");
})(current, previous);