Email validation in Servicenow

  1. function validateEmailAddress(emailStr){
      // Use JavaScript coercion to guarantee emailStr is a string
      emailStr = emailStr + '';
      // Compare emailStr against the allowed syntax as specified in the regular expression
      // If emailStr has allowed syntax, return true, else return false
       return true;
      else {
       return false;

Use the Script Include in a Business Rule

  1. // Pass the Requested for email to the Script Include.  Store the return
     // value from the Script Include in the isEmail variable
     var isEmail = validateEmailAddress(current.u_requested_for_email);
     // If isEmail is false (email address syntax is not valid) do not save
     // the record.  Write an error message to the screen.
     if(isEmail == false){
      gs.addErrorMessage(current.u_requested_for_email + " is not a valid email address.  You must provide a valid email address.");
  2. Click the Update button.