JavaScript Debugger ServiceNow

JavaScript Debugger

The JavaScript Debugger is the primary strategy for debugging Business Rules and other synchronous server-side scripts.
  • Set, remove, and pause at breakpoints
  • Step through code line-by-line
  • Step into and out of functions and method calls
  • View the values of local, global, and private variables
  • View the call stack
The JavaScript debugger components are:
Anatomy of the JavaScript Debugger

Launching the JavaScript Debugger

Only users with the admin or script_debugger roles can use the JavaScript Debugger.
There are multiple ways to launch the JavaScript Debugger:
  • Use the Application Navigator to open System Diagnostics > Script Debugger
  • In Studio navigate to File > Script Debugger
  • Select the JavaScript Debugger button (Launch the JavaScript Debugger from the Script editor) in the Script editor toolbar.